Effervescent Life!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Camping for Morons
A) Do not try to "save" an area with 2 tents. Especially if that area is half the campground. Instead, set up only after most of your party has arrived that way all 6 families aren't sharing a very small space because the spot you chose got halfed, then quartered, because you didn't want to have to pack up and move.
B) When camping in the primitive (tent) area do bring along your generator. Im sorry you did not bring batteries for your radio, but not only do we not want to listen to it, we would actually like to hear each other talking too.
C) Do not use your husbands nickname while camping. I don't want to hear "Lover, do you want a drink?", "Lover, keep your voice down!", "Lover, tell the kids it's past their bedtime!"
D) Related to point C. Do not bring alcohol to the campground if you are a belligerent drunk. Especially if ALL the adults in your party are belligerent drunks. Thanks for the laughs though.
E) If your dog hates and/or is afraid of people, DO NOT BRING IT! Common sense here people. It's a holiday weekend for Petes sake. Your dog doesn't like to be a sardine any more than we do. Leave them with a friend.
F) Do not shoot off fireworks late at night. Between 9-10:30 is late enough that it is dark, and that most kids are still awake. You WILL wake them up if you shoot up a freakin box of fireworks at midnight.
G) Do not shoot up said fire works in direction of tents. There is a whole fucking field out their morons. Point them AWAY from the tents, genius. We shouldn't have to shake fireworks dust off our tent before putting our kids back to sleep so our tent doesnt burn down with them in it.
H) Do not leave your campsite all day long and return at 11pm to throw 3 seperate birthday parties. Lover, if you're reading this, Happy Birthday!
I) Do not set up your tent 2 feet away from the outhouses. It's weird and creepy.
J) Pick up after your dog. Don't want to pick up their shit? Leave them with a friend.
K) Do not allow your toddler to run around naked. Yes, it's an accepted potty training practice, but for for fucks sake you had a corner lot. Everybody and thier brother could see your child, and that's just creepy!
This concludes Camping for Morons for now. I reserve the right to change or add any point within. Feel free to suggest additions to me! Later I will be back for a personal accounting of our actual trip ;)
OK, on to the actual camping trip itself. We had a great time! Me, DS, and DD all got toasted by the sun even with sunblock applied willy nilly. DS's nose has peeled and scabbed, poor boy.
Nephews were a lot of fun. Hanging out with BIL and SIL is always a good time. Saw lots of DH's family. On Sunday we went to my friends parents house. They are such nice people! Unfortunately, only the Dad, and grandson were there, but we enjoyed our visit regardless. When DD needed fed the Dad was so non-chalant (as I knew he would be!). He even told me to just throw a towel over my shoulder so I could stay in the living room. I declined, but it's nice to know people like him are out there!Saw my old friend Heather, but didn't get to chit chat much since it was late at night, and I had just got done putting the baby to bed. She has 3 kids of her own, and she's 3 years younger than I!!!! Her oldest is 2.5 years older than my son! Incredible. I'm hoping to find her email addy or phone number so I can stay in touch!On Monday, we broke down all of our camping stuff, and headed to my Dads for a picnic. DD was so cranky, and had had enough. She just wanted to go home. DS on the other hand had a blast. Especially when my Dad took him in the hottub with him. It was hard to get him back out. LOL! We didn't stay long (4 hours max) before we decided to head home. I was SO FREAKIN HAPPY to be home ;) I love to catch up with everybody, but it sure wore us all out!