Effervescent Life!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The Ants Had A Bad Day.
On our driveway there is a break running thru it widthwise because it travels uphill. The ants have a habit of marching thru this break. I don't know what they are after, but they mull around this one spot in particular, and have been all month long. It must smell awefully sweet at that one spot.
So the Heathen family gets ready to go grocery shopping, and I point out to HS (Heathen son, 3.5) all the ants. HS is delighted by them!
"Hi there!""What's your names?""Whatcha doin?"
Of course, one got too close to him and he ran back as if the ant was going to attack him , and when he realized it wasn't he crouched down to get a better look. Got his little face within two inches of those little ants, and
Ants were scattered to the far ends of ant earth! I couldn't help but chuckle knowing how confused those ants were, and wondering if they would be able to find their way home.
Which really doesn't matter because we ran them over with the car, immediately following that, anyway.