Effervescent Life!
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Reality Of TV.
Last night was the big survivor finale. I wish I could say I was enthused, but really thought the entire season was boring. Aras won - deservingly IMO. The real reality of TV however, came with the Reunion Special televised immediately afterward.
First off, Jeff Probst leaves the island under the fanfare of dramatic music, and arrives on set to it also....Except when he appears on set he is wearing this hideous sweater set. Yes, I said sweater set. So the entire show set looks it came straight off the island, but Jeff looks like he got an hour pass from his retirement community to MC it. The clothes were baaaaaaaad, and clashed horribly with everything else. The sweater was Robin blue with a white undershirt. Think about it. He's also apparently going thru a midlife crisis with his hair because it's much too long. I nicknamed him Ambiguos Jeff for the night.
So with the voting, and winner announcement out of the way, Ambiguos Jeff goes on to talk to the people.....blah,blah, blah, everyone pretty much likes Aras, Terry, Bruce, Shane, Danielle, and Loooooooovvves Cirie. No biggie.
Cirie came out much more loveable and capable than she went in. So at one point they pan out to her husband and son, so her husband can speak. He is introduced, and.......the crowd can not figure out what to do when a black man stands up for recognition. All the white people forget how to clap apparently, because at first there is nearly silence, then a spattering of clapping, and at best it never got past lukewarm acceptance. It was so very, very sad really. Says a lot about how much growth our society still needs. Because you know if the family in question had been white, half the crowd would have been clapping themselves silly.
Austin found his faith. Blah, Blah, Blah. I have a real disdain for preaching on TV. Austin really didn't preach, just told his story so I liked it, but still rolled my eyes at first. I'm such a heathen.
Bruce's asshole school system put him on un paid leave FOR PUNISHMENT because he didn't have permission to go. I will repeat, Assholes. But Bruce continues to work there because he loves the children....awwwwwww.
Courtney. Courtney, courtney, courtney. What can I say? I actually liked her, a lot. Ambiguos Jeff slapped her around by infering that she is immature, but I say she is no more immature that Danielle or Aras, or even Shane for that matter. If anything Courtney was the most focused and path driven. She is just different, which most people think assume means difficult. Our society is so big on conformation that anyone who doesn't gets a negative label slapped on them. How sad is that?
Shane, geez he really was crazy in the nicest way he possibly could have been. He came off as very animated, but centered for the reunion. Very likable.
And the most pathetic segue of the show? Ambiguos Jeff says "Speaking of Mothers Day. Tina, How does it feel to have lost your child?" (might not be exact quote, but pretty darn close) Fucking ice in his vains. Despicable.
The Reunion Show was a good look at the true human psyche, good, bad, ugly, and crazy. It almost had better entertainment value than the entire season. Go figure.