Effervescent Life!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Holy Heartbeat Batman!
So I have a one of those "wonderful" womanly problems. It begins with Y and ends with an itch. I've been dealing with it for about 5 days with just acidipholus capsules and good diet, but broke down tonight for the nasty OTC medication.

One of the many causes of the Yitch is pregnancy. So before use, I wanted to POAS to confirm that I am not infact with heathen. We have not been TTC, and the odds of DH's spermies storming the fort thru the latex are relatively slim. Yet, I felt the need to make sure just in case.

2 lines showed up clear as day immediately.

As I sat there I start to mutter "no, no, no", and shake my head in the negative. This.cannot.be.happening.

I fly out of the bathroom in a fury to find my partner in crime, who at the time was sleeping peacefully.

I poke him awake and shove the stick in front of his face. He jolts out of bed and stares at it.

"What is that?" He asks.

"That is a positive pregnancy test!"

He grabs it out of my hands, and stares incredilously. I am busy looking for the insert that came with said stick to find out what on earth would create this obvious false positive. My heart is in my throat. I can hear every gushing heartbeat banging in my ears.

I snatch the insert up, and eye the positive results diagram.

Blushing, I must tell DH that the brand we used does not rely on two lines, but rather 3. A control line, and two lines that intersect as a + .

I was in fact an idiot. A very relieved idiot.
Blogger Jennifer said...
Sorry to hear that (the itchy fiend). I can imagine how overwhelmed you must have felt when you showed the pg test to your DH!

Hang in there!

Blogger jouettelove said...
too funny, you had me there and i was like "what? how did i not know this?" lol, congrats on the negative :)