Effervescent Life!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
There is an expression that makes me feel old. Oh snap! from wikipedia. I use it mentally a lot, but would be way too embarrassed to say it IRL. I'm hurdling across the divide from young'un to old lady I'm afraid.
I just know I'm going to be tragically unhip when my kids get older because I will still be saying "cool" and "awesome", and my personal favorite: "duh". Really, that's a requirement of parenting, I suppose.


Few more blog links I plan to add to the new blog.
Sea. She is totally (totally? Wow, that is uncool) clickable!
Somewhere over the Rainbow. Somehow I don't already have her on my sidebar even though I used to read her regularly. I happened to click on her link last week, and realized I really miss reading her, and I have no idea how I lost her link.
Pie Is The New Toast. The name is a sort of inside joke, but the blogs focus is on recipes.


Well, we went to the annual Fourth of July outlaw camping trip. That blog entry will have to wait though. I'm not done processing the incredible suck factor of those 36 hours I will never get back. LOL!
Blogger Jennifer said...
Thanks for posting about my blog! :)