Effervescent Life!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The Sandman and the Dream.
Another dream entry.

You ever have one of those dreams where you never need to have somebody explain to you what is going on? You are so completely intuitive in our dream that speaking is really redundant? This is one of those dreams. I am only going to share a piece of it though, because the rest is private.
A tree.

The trunk looked like any other tree trunk. Yet, the branches were all low enough to the ground that you could reach out and touch at least half of these.

The leaves were made a strong plastic wrap material. Clear, glossy, noisy. Yes, that was how the tree grew them.

On each leaf was a unique design made from a colored foil like material. They were all beautiful.

The leaves were so wonderful that I swept my hand threw them so I could feel them and hear them rustle. I was awed by the tree. Speechless.

Then I came to branch where there were no leaves, but small flags. Same material as the tree leaves, but obviously not grown by the tree itself. And as I was standing there a man walked up with a flag of his own and tied it to the tree. There was sadness in his eyes, and I knew.

That flag, and all the flags, represented a child that had passed on. The parents then created a flag as a sacrifice to the tree, and in return the tree would birth a new leaf.

Suddenly, that tree became something more than my heart could take. In my dream I had to sit down and cover my face. I couldn't look at that tree.

Eventually, I had to get up, and open my eyes. I glanced at the tree. A soft wind was passing thru the branches, and the sunlight bounced off the foil, shooting glimmery sparkles into the daylight.

Once again, the tree was beautiful. I was awed. I was speechless.

I can't imagine how I'm supposed to process that dream. I've thought about nothing today other than those mothers and fathers who have lost children .

This is for them:

Blogger S.T. said...
Wow, what an amazing dream. You're so lucky to remember so many vivid details. I rarely even *have* dreams anymore (or at least I don't remember them.)

Blogger Mazenbloo said...
That is an amazing, beautiful and emotional dream. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Blogger ©Jac said...
Stef, I almost never dream that I remember either. Lately though they have been popping up more and more, and they get odder and odder.