Effervescent Life!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Isn't He Enough Anymore?
I've been thinking about this for a while now. Isn't God enough for those who supposedly believe in him? It doesn't seem like it. It is not our job to judge, it's His. He tells us so. So why must we play judge and jury on earth about things we can only guesstimate to be His law? More and more I find myself thinking that His faithful, aren't. How are we honoring Him, by trying to play Him? I wonder what He thinks of this.
Example: Texas
Texas recently banned gay marraige. The way it was worded they also banned anything identical to marriage (Ironically marriage is identical to itself, but whatever). If we are truly loving our neighbors as we would ourselves why would they effectively ban civil unions too? To punish those they consider less moral? How is this loving thy neighbor? Do you really think God wants us to make people suffer here on earth when *HE* gave us free will?
Example: Abortion
This is one of those ambiguous sins. On the one hand God asks us not to kill, but on the other there is scripture that basically says that only if the child is WANTED that someone who brings harm to it should pay. So why are we pretending we know what God wants? Why aren't we leaving this up to......God, duh.
I will tell you what I think. Honestly, I think the faithful have lost their faith. I don't think they believe in Him anymore. He isn't enough anymore for them. I think they agree with parts of his message, but only if it allows them to be the judge and jury. The fight for power has led to Christianities own corruption. I worry what this window dressing religion has in store, and I am frightened of it.