Effervescent Life!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
It's Hard.
When deciding whether or not to have another child after our first born son I asked many people for their experiences of having toddler and an infant. I kid you not, 99% of the responses were "It's hard." No explaination, just "It's hard." Hmmmm, OK. I never thought it was going to be easy so "It's hard" seemed like a non answer. I just wanted to know what to expect since infertility issues required us to act sooner rather than later.
When DS was 23mo, DD was born.
Trying to BF(in a camping chair) a newborn strapped to bili-blankets while trying to maintain your patience with an impish toddler-HARD.
Trying to clean spontaneous vomit off of yourself with a 2 week old in your arms and a very sick toddler, trying to cling to you for comfort,-HARD.
Diaper duty for both (cloth diapers no less!)-HARD
Disappointing your toddler by cutting playtime short so you can catch spit up that has come out your infant at such a velocity that eventually you have no clean clothes to wear.-HARD
Severe reflux in the infant that requires you to hold it whenever it is awake, cutting all or most cuddle/play time for toddler short.-HARD(and really sad)
Trying to get even a miniscule amount of sleep. Even now-HARD.
Playing King Solomon whenever an issue arises involving trains, hot wheels, books, baby dolls, blocks, Blues Clues, Wiggles, Glo-Worms, and affection.-very very HARD
Finding time to do any of the things that are supposed to make one a good housewife and stay at home mom such as dishes, laundry, vaccuming, cooking, dusting, breathing, mopping, clutter control, wifely duties-very very HARD
You know what's easy?
Loving them equally.
Seeing the complete adoration they have for each other.
Knowing I gave birth to best friends.
Those 3 "easies" make up for every hard detail of the last 2 years, but should anybody ask me about having children so close together I'm going to have to tell them "It's hard". Because the easy stuff is too emotional, too hard to explain.