Effervescent Life!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
What are you eating?
If you are like most adult americans you ingest approximately 4 lbs, yes FOUR POUNDS, of pesticides each year.**Just read this in either the Men's Journal or Vegetarian Times. Can't find either issue to confirm which one-sorry!** WOW. Even worse this doesn't include:
Hormones addes to meat and dairy animals.
Antibiotics added to meat and dairy animals.
Petrochemicals that leak into foods from plastic products.
Teflon fumes/chemicals from your non-stick pans.
Over 100 chemicals added to things like make-up, bath and body items, cleaning supplies, etc, that are KNOWN TO CAUSE CANCER.
High Fructose Corn Syrup, that unlike most food, does not get digested in the stomach/intestines, but rather your liver. Think about it. Your liver processes DRUGS.
Bleach has now been shown to have negative effects on the lungs.
Not to mention the willy nilly chemicals they add seemingly just because to almost any item you could possibly mention.

Really is it any wonder some illness have become so prevalent? And think of the children. As adults our bodies are trying very hard to clean ourselves up, but a childs body and brain has to develop with this crap.
Now don't go thinking I'm one of those wackadoos(not that theres anything wrong with that) who's kitchen looks like the bulk counter at a grainery, or that my home is made out of organically grown hay. Although I take pains to be concerned consumerist it just doesn't always happen for a variety of reasons. A couple of things that we have done in our household are:
75% of our cleaning products are enviromentally and household friendly. We try to use either Method Cleaners or vinegar and water mixes.
Our bath and body products are a mix of Organic and Non-organic products. 75% of the non organic products were purchased by friends and family as gifts. The rest are usually Kiss My Face products that I have purchased myself. (All natural, and various stages of organic.)
We have only one pan with Teflon. We threw the rest of ours out, and bought copper bottom pans.
We try to buy only organic milk, and various organic groceries whenever possible.
This is only the bulk of what we do, but there are various other things we look for when shopping. In the scheme of things it really isn't that much. I still worry about anything we use that isn't all natural or organic, harming my children (Ok, I'm a semi-whackadoo, again, not that there is anything wrong with that). I hope to do better for myself, my family, and my planet. Sooner rather than later. On that note, we took a trip to Whole Foods this weekend, and I am thoroughly looking forward to visiting again.
Happy Eating Folks!