Effervescent Life!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Boobies, And Nipples, And Babies! Oh My!
For any sicko stopping by because of the title, get lost. This post is about breastfeeding.

Lately I've seen a lot of activism IRT breastfeeding. Do you remember the TV ads? One comparing formula feeding to smoking? Or the one claiming riding a bull was similar to formula feeding. Basically these ads suggest that formula feeding will harm a child.

Do they really think insulting formula feeding mothers and grown formula fed children is going to work? Isn't the message supposed to be that breastfeeding is normal rather than formula is vile?

Me? I think it will backfire. Because formula isn't poison. Its just not. All anyone has to do is look at the formula fed population around them to know that formula is not a death sentence, even if it isn't perfect, and never will be. All the ads do is make anyone who has ever given or taken formula roll their eyes.

I have a couple of TV ads in mind that I believe would have made a positive impact rather than the offensive crap they did run:

Scenario/Ad #1:

Family Reunion. Nursing mother excuses herself to a private area so as not to upset anyone in the party. Grandma comes in and says something like "I'm so proud of you. I never even thought of breastfeeding my babies." Nana is a bit teary eyed while she and her grand daughter share a heartfelt smile. Next thing you know half of the reunion party is sitting around the nursing mom continuing their festivities, as if (gasp!) breastfeeding is the most normal thing in the world.

Scenario/Ad #2:

A man at the office walking down the hall, with a folder of work, stops at a door. He puts his hand up as if to knock. But wait! He notices a "Pumping in Session. Privacy Please!" sign stuck up on the door. He puts his hand down and walks back to his office where he sits in his chair and picks up the phone. He dials, and we hear a womans voice pick up.
Office Guy "Hi honey. I just wanted to see how you and Junior were doing today. I miss you."
TV cuts to a dual screen where you can see the office and the business guys wife at home in a rocking chair, nursing their newborn son (or daughter), with the phone to her ear.
The sound fades away, as you see their smiling faces chat with one another.


Now tell me those aren't better BFing ads? It really doesn't take much to not insult people, and still get your message across.
Blogger Vinegar Martini said...
At the end of the day, the decision to or not to breastfeed is a personal one and I'll give a million dollars the first person who can show me how MY decision on ths topic directly affected them!

Point is - it didn't.

Blogger Jennifer said...
What a great post. I failed at BFing and I was once accosted by some nosy woman in a mall who told me I should BF because FFing is horrible for my baby. I told her that number 1, it wasn't any of her business what I fed my baby and 2, how dare she pass judgment on me when I was one of those who failed at BFing.

I hate people like that!!!

Blogger Megan@SortaCrunchy said...
Great, great ideas for pro-bf'ing ads! Those would have much more impact than the bull-riding ridiculousness.