Effervescent Life!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Ten Odd Things About Me.
I've been inspired by MommaBot:

  1. I hold my breathe when we pass dead animals on the road. I cannot stand the thought of smelling death. Many a times I have gotten to a destination a bit oxygen deprived. I used to do it for cemeteries too, but then I got over that because you know, that would be weird.
  2. My hair is fine and thin. Except one side is finer and thinner than the other. Seriously. I used to curl my hair in highschool, and the slightly coarser thicker side would stay uber curly, and the other side would fall flat.
  3. I don't drive, and have never had a Drivers License. Don't care to.
  4. I hate kissing. I'm not talking sweet chaste kisses. I hate deep, passionate, make love to me kisses. Blech.
  5. My favorite color is orange. I don't own anything that is orange, clothing or otherwise.
  6. I love to dig out a good ingrown toenail.
  7. I'm still watching Sex and the City reruns even though I've seen every one at least 3x. Friends too-except I've seen every episode about 10x.
  8. I don't wear sock, shoes, or a bra unless I absolutely have to. And if I can throw on a coat over my shirt.....
  9. I have a tacklebox of make-up I don't use.
  10. I dyed my hair for almost 10 years straight. Then I quit dyeing it, and it turns out it was the color I've been trying to dye it all those years.
Blogger Mazenbloo said...
Ok, didn't know you didn't drive! I'm impressed! I have to be able to get out of here...LOL Alone!

And curious about the kissing thing. Does your DH like to kiss like that or is he of the same mindset?

ROFLMAO about the toenail!

I'm so with you on the bra/sock thing!

I think you're the first person I know who's favorite color is Orange!

Blogger Jennifer said...
I don't like kissing either. I don't know why, but I just don't. I don't like short kisses and I HATE french kissing. I used to like it, but the older I get, the more conservative I become with PDA. LOL!

Blogger G. said...
I'm not into kissing either. I thought I was the only woman alive who hated it.

Blogger ©Jac said...
Dh is a kisser. We've learned to compromise!