Effervescent Life!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Big Brother 7
Since I can't watch it, I might as well speculate, eh? SPOILERS!

I'm only going to comment on 5 of them since we "know" Dani is gone tonight.

Mike Boogie:
I just can't see this guy winning unless he goes up against Erika or George. He plans to vote Erika out next so that doesn't seem likely. His so commited to Will that he can't see that taking Will to the finals is bad, BAD for him. He hasn't done an original thing all season, and no one on the jury will respect that. He needs to vote of Will and Janie to get the money. Not going to happen tonight as far as I can tell.

Poor Erika. Has no idea they plan to boot her next. Her only hope is that George wins HOH, and puts up someone else. Her desperate need to be with Boogies is revolting. I cannot believe she let him go down on her the other night, and has been pleasing him as well! Hello! We can see you! You know they are almost perfect for one another-Her with men issues, and Boogie with women issues, both dull as tofu.
Erika really needs to keep George in the game to win the money. Ironically, she needs to go to the final 3 with George and Boogie also to have a shot at winning. She's been a pretty strong floater, but won't evoke much emotion on the Jury if she can't cook up a good scheme herself.

I really wish she had another good friend in there beside Will. It's hard to tell what she's thinking when she doesn't talk(honest) game with anybody but Will and Boogie. Will is tainting her jury pool by making it seem like she's a puppet, but thus far she hasn't done anything she wouldn't have done for herself anyway. It would be nice if she could remind the Jury of that by shaking things up and evicting one of Chill Town. Though, I really think she should throw tonights HOH, so she can play for the next HOH, which is more important.
To get to the final 3 she really needs to get rid of Erika, because Erika is as physical as she is. Here comes the tricky part does she get rid of Will next, who is her biggest competition IRT the Jury, but hasn't won a singe HOH of POV, or does she get rid of Boogie, who seems to me more athletic, or get rid of George because he's a wild card? To be honest I think she could go with anybody, BUT Will and still win.
For entertainment purposes alone she should keep Will and get rid of Boogie.

There is no stopping this guy. The only person with a sliver of a chance of beathing him is Janelle, unless he takes George and they give him sympathy votes, but I don't really see that happening.
Will absolutely need to get the the F3 with 2 people who will take him to Final 2. One of those is Boogie, and now that Boogie is on board with evicting E and keeping J, they shouldn't have any problems. Since Janelle won't be able to play in the next HOH, if she wins the first HOH tonight, Will and Boogie have a good chance of winning the HOH, they can evict her, and beat George in the F3 challenges. I'm still not sure if Will will throw that to Boogie since Boogie will definately take him, or try to win it and take Boogie himself, or take weak George. I could also see will getting rid of Boogie, for "good tv" as he likes to call it, but that would leave him without a very devoted wingman.
It's a thinker.

George, George, George:
Not a whole lot bad to say about George except he's not very entertaining. He could be the biggest Wild Card in the game right now. He's not a great player, but he is very determined as evidenced by his slop eating, and kicking out his best friend in the house.
I think George is better off with Erika and Will in the F3. I'm not positive he could beat either one of them, but he has done at least as much as Erika has done, and he could garner sympathy votes going in with Will such as "Will doesn't need the money, so I vote for George!"

So those are my thoughts so far. They have a serious kink in them since tonights second eviction is going to be a surprise to the houseguest, and except for Janelle they don't do all that well under pressure. Most of them need a couple of days at least to plot! LOL
Blogger Donna @ Snowbound said...
I think it's been said the WillBoogie plan on taking George now instead of either girl! Should be a very intersting show tonight. I really hope Janelle is playing Will and Boogies!

Blogger Jennifer said...
*sigh*. Janelle Janelle Janelle. STUPID move!!! Grrrr. And man, I hope they get rid of Erika next and maybe Janelle's brain will work and she'll take out Booger next. Geez.