Effervescent Life!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A Birth Story. (long)
My DD turns two tomorrow so I thought I would reminisce. Let me set the table for you,

It was at least 2 weeks before my due date. My mom had come over to eat dinner, and see her grandson. We decided on Chinese food, and I decided to go for the Kung Po chicken. I figured it would be my last spicy meal, because even though spicy food = labors, is mostly a old wives tale, there is some truth to it once the baby is properly ready to be born.

DD was.

My mom left, and not more than 15 minutes later, I had a contraction. Not a big one. In fact, I thought it was a braxton-hicks. My Dr. told me I would DEFINITELY know when I was in labor, so I knew I was not. But the contractions kept coming. DH and I laughed about the timing. 15 minutes after our nearest babysitter (mom-who lived an hour away) had left. I spent the next 3-4 hours saying things like "This doesn't hurt. It can't possibly be real labor." and "Why are they so close together?"

We tried to call my mom, but after assuring us during dinner she would keep her cellphone close from now on, she turned it off to watch a movie with her BF. And who could blame her. I was weeks away from my DD, and she was just at my house, and I was fine!

Around midnight, DH and a call to the labor and delivery floor nurses, finally convinced me to go in to get checked. We woke up DS, and off to the hospital we went. I was embarrassed just being in the car, on the way to the hospital, because I was positive I was not in labor. Remember, my OB told me I would DEFINITELY know. (Side note-Yes, I had already had another child, but I was induced. Hooked up to pitocin, and yes, when the pitocin took, I could tell I was in labor, but Not having gone into labor on my own I had no idea what early labor was like)

We get to the hospital, and they make me sit in the wheelchair (grumble), and up to the labor floor we go so they can check me. At this point I'm happy to get it over with so I can go home, and go to bed.

5-6 cm. Turns out I wouldn't know when I was really in labor. I was admitted.

We got a hold of my mom, and DH's parents. Mom picked up DS, and later DH's parents took over for her, and she came to the hospital to be with us.

Now, I really should have toured the hospital before becoming a patient. I thought all hospitals operated on the concept that laboring women have the right to labor however they wished (with some limits, of course). MY hospital, which is not the same one I delivered DS at, forces their women into bed. I was not allowed to get up and labor. Not allowed to walk around, rock in the rocking chair....Hell, They wouldn't even let me lay on my sides, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the baby. It was horrible.

Surprise, surprise my labor stalled out. Here comes the pitocin, "and while you are that an epidural please"! I had planned to go natural seeing as my first labor was 6 hours start to finish, but after hours of laying on my back (did they not get the memo that that is uncomfy for pregnant women??), I needed some relief.

About 8 o'clock in the morning the pitocin was finally starting to kick the labor into gear again, and they broke my water. Still, DD was very stubborn and uncooperative. She refused to come down, and wanted little to do with the shoddy hospital as I did.

Finally, around noon, things started happening. Things like my epidural wearing off, and DD finally deciding it was time. The next 3 hours were some of the most fulfilling of my life. I went from 6cm-10cm, pushed for about 15 minutes, and welcomed a beautiful little girl into our family.

Honestly, even though the hospital experience was pretty crappy, I think my mom was the most traumatized. She had 3 kids, and not one of them lasted over 4.5 hours. She was very impressed by ability to not kill any of the staff for 17 hours. LOL!

She was 7lbs even. With a head full of short blonde hair, blue eyes, and already pale complexion. Here is a pic from when she was 0-2 months old.


I need to UL ones from the day we brought her home, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Right now I have to go bake a cake for someone special.
Blogger Mazenbloo said...
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy your cake!

Blogger Jennifer said...
I cannot believe she's 2 years old!!!! Happy happy birthday!!!!

Blogger ©Jac said...
It was goooood cake too! LOL! Thanks you two!

Blogger jouettelove said...
how precious! happy belated birthday to your baby girl ♥