Effervescent Life!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Pictures of a Two Year Old.
Here's the thing...I don't have any. Seems the last time I used the camera, and put it up for safe keeping, I forgot I wasn't hiding it from myself.

I've been looking around for it haphazardly for a couple of weeks, and looked like a madwoman on her birthday, but I just don't know what I did with it.

And I thought, "no biggie. I'll just get the camcorder out." Turns out it was out of batteries. GAH!
Blogger Mazenbloo said...
Awww man! That's a bummer.

And I won't tell you that I've done the EXACT same thing!

Blogger ©Jac said...
Man we've done hours worth of cleaning this weekend, and it still hasn't turned up! :(

Blogger jouettelove said...
oh no! can you make it a retroactive bday gift? :D

Blogger Jennifer said...
Awww, I am so sorry. We forgot our cam for the ONE game D's team won, and I'm bummed over that.